Conceiving the brand 'SOMTIN2TINKABT' remains a mystery to me, even as I reflect on its origin. Over 15 years ago, God gave me the insight to simplify the phrase “something to think about” into a single, memorable expression.
At that time, I saw a troubling trend: the obscene, the ridiculous, and the unheard were becoming the norm. It seemed that people acted without thinking, and when they did, they were indifferent to the consequences. They didn't care who was hurt or what was at stake, as long as they had their say and their way.
As someone who loves the book of Proverbs, a verse stood out to me. I believe the Holy Spirit used this scripture to illuminate the issue and offer a way to liberate, especially the younger generation, through God's wisdom: "Wise people think before they act; fools don't—and even brag about their foolishness." - Proverbs 13:16 (NLT)
Over time, I noticed writings that echoed this same idea. I would often repost them with the tag“SOMTIN2TINKABT” attached. Unfortunately, I didn't keep up with it, and over the years, I allowed the idea to fade. God often reminded me of this project, but I found'legitimate' excuses not to start. (Thankfully, He is merciful, and I have received His forgiveness for not acting on His promptings sooner.)
During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, God once again brought SOMTIN2TINKABT to my mind, and this time, I obeyed. I began writing again, addressing issues and events around me, using visuals and turning them into life-giving wisdom capsules in the form of quotes. SOMTIN2TINKABT was reborn with new conviction and purpose—and it has come to stay.
Today, I set sail once more with God as the captain of this ship, and this time I'm committed to seeing it through. My 'inspired' thoughts are simple, yet powerful nuggets of wisdom, crafted with the Love, Power and Purpose to refine and transform lives, captured under the uniquely styled banner of It's just #Somtin2tinkabt.
Here we go!
Tunde Onakoya,
April 2020